Sunday, May 17, 2009


hmmm, i like the small font, but kinda difficult to read I can see,
not that anyone is really reading this :]
so i realized that my friend has a tumblr and she is the one person who truly talks and writes in the way i wish to emulate (but then i'm not being myself so thats no good now is it)
she just has littel quips about things she enjoys, what shes found online that is interesting, or funny things/ conversations that occured in school that day.
i don't think i can really do that though, i have to explain something in great detail i guess, i dunno.
man i'm kinda depressed, i think its just cause i'm tired? even though it... haha just had an earthquake, it was kinda big, i actually got under the table :]
thats the way to get the adrenaline going
so only 8:40
not exatly tired anymore,
seriously it says 2 minutes, but i think in the span of 30 sec at least 20 people posted earthquake as their status.
this gonna be the big talk at school tommarrow, everyone feels the need to relive there experience during the 10-15 seconds, because it makes you feel special,
i think its because you've just experienced something that was news so its like your news quality.
i mean this is gonna be on the news for like the rest of the night,
it was wierd cause this was the first earthquake i actually remember.
we had one over the summer but i was on a tour of UCLA and didn't feel it at all. but of course i still have a story to tell. it was ironic because apparently when it occured, the tour guide was telling us how the buildings were being retrofitted and they were almost done, so they were all safe during earthquakes, becuase their was a bunch of people from out of state.
also my borther was in Hawaii with his friends families and he saw on the news about the earthquake so he wsa trying to call my mom but hershe couldn't hear her phone so she wasn't picking up and my brother started freaking out, because the news makes it this huge deal.
but yeah, we came home and a couple things were knocked over but everyone said it was pretty big.
but see i didn't even feel it and I had a story to tell.
but this one, was pretty big as i had enough time to get up and get under the table. me and my brother just kinda looked at each other, we got up and i wasn't sure really what to do, because you just dont know when its gonna stop, but we crawled under out table, and covered our heads liked we learned in school :] honestly though i cant imagine having an earthquake in school, i mean choas, you cant really fit under your desk, would the teacher have to tell you eofre you'd get under? and you'd feel like a retard when its over, except if its a really serious one, that would be pretty fucking scary.
but no one could settle down for probably the rest class. what if we were all outside? i mean i guess outside is better but if it was big i'd be pretty freaked out.
oh well, that just made life a little more interesting, definately made my day, espically seeing my brothers face.
man, makes me love california

i dunno i was gonna talk about how'd i jsut saw breakfast at tiffany's for the first time, usually i never really talk about what i intended to start talking about and i just felt i needed some form of release, but kinda over that right now, oh well maybe later

Monday, May 11, 2009

the limit does not exist!

soooo in precalc today we started going over limits, since apparently that is all calculus is about.
and of course whenever limits was mentioned by anyone, you were required to quote Mean Girls
of course that was probably the only thing learned today.
god AP's make school pointless,
Chinese= FINALLY watch Mulan (that was the only plus)
obviously nothing in history, as the brutal uphill struggle peaked on Friday, although we did find out we will be having quizzes on world history, for the few who have chosen to take the SAT II, me not being one of them.
and english stil nothing.
yes today was very painful.
especially just the feeling of it being over, even though i have APES tmrw.
i mean its something that you've been dreading yet wanting to come since basically school started, so now what?
life still goes on, and you almost feel like you regret it.
you kind of realized you liked the adraniline, the meaningness in life.
the ability to have a full proof excuse for everything "I'm studying," and the connecting you have with your peers as they all are expreienceing this too.
beofre we went into where we were taking our test, the head haunco lady got us all together and talked to us, and once she was done, Riley and Nic came up and were like everyone bring it together, Nic explained what was about to occur, and he yelled "What are we gonna do?" and we all screeched back "GET INTENSE!" of couuse they thought it was hilarious becuase they usd it for it's punny quality of " GET IN TENTS" and i'll admit it was a stupid thing to yell, but the adranaline and the prep that you've been putting in for what is about to transpire, it felt exactly like the big game of the year, and you just wanted some form of outlet.
what i loved was not only are we nerdy enough to come up with this, but that our PACE class is so unfied that we al would do it, because we were all on the same page in one way or another.
we have a bond that I really dont think any other group of high schoolers have, in that in one way or another we all accept each other.
we donot have to like each other, and we definately dont try and conform to each other (we sure as hell dont look alike) but somehow we all just get IT.
I will admit that we aren't all geniuses, but the fact that each and every one of us wasn't too shallow to do this cheer, and the majority probably didnt even feel nerdy, shows that we are all smarter then your typical high school kid.
& in some ways I'm happy, because we live more in the real world than other high schoolers, and in some ways I'm sad, because I know that the real world isn't as perfect as we wish it was, and sometimes it almost is just like high school.
But I love that we all accept each other for who we are, and although we all view the world differently, and we're all hormonal and ansty ( we are still teenagers), we all have some form of love for each other, just because we're human beings.
& thats something that the world needs to be more like, and its something that I think alot of us who are in PACE forget about, and don't really see that as a benefit to being in PACE, and all we think is that school = life, and that our worth is judged on the grade we get, the scores we achieve and the colleges that think were worthy enough to pay them thousands of dollars, of course the good grades and test scores could eliminate the fee but thats not the point.
And the point isn't that school isn't important, its the knowledge that is. & alot of it is gained from the classes, and the better colleges might well give you more knowledge than you ever thought possible, but what the most valuable knowledge we gain from PACE is learning to love thy neighbor and love thy self. Im not religous by any means, but even the golden rule " treat others the way you wished to be treated," is something they don't teach in high school.
I think in Mean Girls, the "resolution" is unrealistic in many high schools (although the drama isn't) but the dynamic at the very end of the movie is exactly what poly PACE is like, and that is the sole reason, above all other reasons, why I love it, and why in some ways, I don't ever want to leave.